Tuesday, March 27, 2012


KISANGA, Robert H., "A Critical Assessment of the Adjudicatory and Educative Role of the Court of Appeal as the Highest Judicial Organ in Tanzania," Volume 8 University ofDar es Salaam Law Journal, 1991, p. 24.

KISANGA, Robert H., "Independence of the Judiciary in Tanzania," Volume 11 No. 2 Indian Bar Review, 1984, p. 135.

KISANGA, Robert H., "The Lawyer and the Society: The Challenge of the Professional and the Academic in Tanzania," Volume 15 Eastern Africa Law Review, 1982, p. 1.

KISANGA, Robert H., "The Legal Profession, Pluralism and Public Interest Litigation in Tanzania," in in TIRUCHELVAM, Neelan and Radhika Coomaraswamy (eds.) The Role of the Judiciary in Plural Societies, London: Frances Pinter (Publishers), 1987, p. 146.

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